Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So I rethunk (is that a word?) the vest and decided to order the specific yarn for the pattern - Cascade Ecological Wool. I ordered it from Jimmy Beans Wool. So I'm hoping it knits up nicer than the other one. It was really too thick and stiff. I don't think it would have draped that great. I should be getting it on Thursday.
Meanwhile, I started this brown cardigan called Augusta Cardigan. It's from the book "New England Knits" by Cecily MacDonald and Melissa LaBarre. At first I ordered it from the library and when I started reading it I realized that I absolutely had to have it! It has so many wonderful sweater pattern. I love it! I ordered it from Amazon for about $10.00. It's well worth it. There's about 5 other patterns that I want to make. So I'm starting with the cable cardigan.

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